Use case

Comprehensive Security for SMBs

Providing peace of mind for secure business growth.

Interface with bar chart showing upward trend Interface with bar chart showing upward trend

Your business needs stability and security to thrive in a competitive market. By ensuring all your digital operations and assets are protected against common threats, you can remain focused on growing your business confidently. Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) typically make soft targets for cyber criminals. In fact, 62% of small businesses have admitted to falling victim to cyberattacks or breaches in the past year*.

Significantly reduce your risk

With™ you have the support of expert consultants to guide you throughout all elements of your security and compliance. This is matched with a suite of leading security tools that will elevate your security defenses and embed best practices into your business early. There’s no complicated infrastructure integration and your team can manage it all without the need for in-depth cybersecurity knowledge.

Try a free trial today to discover how™ can help you grow with confidence.

*Bulletproof Annual Cybersecurity Industry Report 2021

Expert Consultants features that give you greater security control

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Threat Dashboard

Get complete visibility into how protected you are and immediately see the critical threats your business is facing. Real-time threat data from your penetration tests, vulnerability scans and live asset threat intelligence feeds into your customized dashboard prioritized by risk level. Your IT team can then act quickly by understanding what fixes need urgent attention.

Expert Consultancy

Expert Consultancy

Through™ you have access to a team of specialists who will help guide your business through all elements of its security and compliance. See us as an extension to your team, and get advice on best practice security measures, policies and procedures as well as support during a security incident.

Training and exams

Security Training

Your staff are your best defense against cyber threats, if they know what to look out for.™ delivers expert online training with exams covering security awareness and essential data protection knowledge. By making it fun and easy to learn you will better shape your employee behavior and minimize your company’s risk to human error.

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Powerful Tools

Take your protection to a new level with advanced security and demonstrate to your customers your commitment to strong cyber defenses. From in-depth penetration tests and 24/7 log monitoring to regular vulnerability scanning, you’ll be able to proactively identify and defend against new and emerging threats.

3 ways helps SMBs grow with confidence

  • Always a step ahead

    Comprehensive security tools keep you ahead of the hackers.

  • Expert consultancy

    Expert consultants support and advise on cybersecurity and compliance.

  • Boost security culture

    Fundamental staff training helps build a security culture.

Protecting the world’s leading brands

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Start protecting your business today with

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