Use case

Comprehensive Security for Business Owners

Providing peace of mind for secure business growth.

Paper with pie chart on it Paper with pie chart on it

Efficient cybersecurity has the power to transform the success of a business as much as a cyberattack can cause irreparable damage. 87% of consumers said they would not do business with a company if they had concerns about its security practices*. A harsh but relatable figure. As a business owner it can be difficult to allocate enough resources to cybersecurity, or to really understand what the risks to your business are.

Effective measures to strengthen your reputation

With™ you can easily manage your security posture and gain customer confidence by demonstrating efficient and robust best practice measures. Within your easy-to-use dashboard, smart technology identifies the risks directly affecting your business, and delivers key security insights for a 360° visualization of your business security. Straightforward threat updates and remedial steps allow you to efficiently manage the risks and grow your business with peace of mind.

Try a free trial today to discover how you can protect and grow with™.

*McKinsey & Company, The consumer-data opportunity and the privacy imperative 2020

Expert Consultants features that give you greater security control

Threat Dashboard

Threat Dashboard

Gain a simple 360° visualization of all areas of your business security. Within your dashboard, you or your IT team can instantly see the critical data affecting your security profile, your latest scan result and remediation steps, as well as staff training progress. From here, you can download fully detailed reports and decide what needs your attention first.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Expert testers work with you to strengthen your defenses by evaluating the security of your external-facing systems. A full report with remediation steps is then recorded into your dashboard. To complement your pen testing program, regular vulnerability scans can be scheduled or activated on-demand to quickly identify security weaknesses.

Online Staff Training

Online Staff Training

Your staff are your best defense against cyber threats, if they know what to look out for.™ delivers expert online training videos covering security awareness and essential data protection knowledge. With comprehensive and affordable training, you can avoid costly data breaches causes by human error.

Expert Support

Expert Support

Through™ you have access to a team of specialists who will help guide your business through all elements of security and compliance. Working as an extension to your team, we’ll help advise on best practice security measures, policies and procedures as well as support you through any incident reports or data breaches.

3 ways helps business owners grow with confidence

  • Track risks

    Helps you to easily keep track of your business risks and cyber threats, allowing you to focus on other business priorities.

  • Expert consultancy

    Expert consultants support your business by advising on security best practice and help you achieve compliance.

  • Build credibility

    Demonstrates to existing and potential customers that you take your legal data protection obligations and security seriously.

Protecting the world’s leading brands

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