Affordable security features to protect your business

Get a 360° view of your security profile at any given time.

Trusted by leading brands and SMBs

7 steps to a more secure business™ contains all the functionality you need to manage your business security. Each feature plays a part in protecting your business from new and existing threats.

Here’s how you can take simple steps to instantly improve your security with™.


Threat Recon

See your business through the eyes of a hacker

The handy data display highlights your web traffic figures, sub domains, third party data risk, email block lists and much more.

Threat Recon – see your business through the eyes of a hacker Threat Recon – see your business through the eyes of a hacker Threat Recon – see your business through the eyes of a hacker

Asset Profile

Understand which of your assets are at risk

Your Asset Profile makes it simple to identify and keep track of all the operating systems and devices used within your business.

Asset Profile – understand your assets that are at risk Asset Profile – understand your assets that are at risk Asset Profile – understand your assets that are at risk

Threat Dashboard

Prioritize your threats

Live data from penetration tests, VA scans and threat intelligence against your assets, feeds into a central dashboard showing you exactly where your critical risks lie and the severity of each threat.

Threat Dashboard – Prioritize your threats Threat Dashboard – Prioritize your threats Threat Dashboard – Prioritize your threats

Cyber Essentials

Improve your compliance

Get a comprehensive audit of your business against the government backed Cyber Essentials scheme. Conducted by expert consultants, you can be confident you have the right technical controls in place.

Cyber Essentials – improve your compliance Cyber Essentials – improve your compliance Cyber Essentials – improve your compliance

Penetration Testing

Have an ethical hacker try to crack your systems

Evaluate your external-facing systems for security vulnerabilities with expert testers who work with you to strengthen your security perimeter. Easily track your results and remediations from your Threat Dashboard.

Penetration Testing – have an ethical hacker try and crack your systems Penetration Testing – have an ethical hacker try and crack your systems Penetration Testing – have an ethical hacker try and crack your systems

Training and Exams

Train and test your staff

Human expertise combined with technology to ensure your staff are fully aware of the risks and how to respond to them.

Training and exams – train and test your staff Training and exams – train and test your staff
Training and exams

Training and Exams

Engaging video training covering essential security awareness and GDPR gives your staff the practical knowledge to defend against common attacks.

Exams help staff retain learnings, and the admin function allows you to effectively track training outcomes. Live remote training also available.

Read more about training and exams
Phishing Simulator

Phishing Simulator

Train your staff to spot malicious emails and test your incident response plan regularly with our easy-to-use phishing campaign tool.

Fully managed phishing campaigns can also be built to suit your own tailored requirements (Business package only).

Read more about phishing simulator

Enterprise-grade Tools

Run powerful tools to keep you secure

An intelligent set of tools to ensure your systems are as secure as possible.

Enterprise-grade Tools – Run powerful tools to keep you secure Enterprise-grade Tools – Run powerful tools to keep you secure
Endpoint Protection

Endpoint Protection

Advanced anti-virus and anti-malware gives you peace of mind that every workstation, server and mailbox is protected at all times.

Read more about endpoint protection
Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability Scanning

It’s best practice to run regular vulnerability scans to complement your pen testing schedule. This feature makes it easy for you to schedule regular scans or perform a quick on-demand test.

Read more about vulnerability scanning
Log Monitoring

Log Monitoring

Security analysts search your systems’ logs to provide real-time analysis of security alerts from your network and applications, including Office 365. Choose our full managed service for 24/7 proactive protection.

Read more about log monitoring

Support is always on-hand

Expert Consultancy Expert Consultancy

Expert Consultancy

Security consultants will be on-hand to help you strategize, set action plans and review policies.

Security Helpline Security Helpline

Security Helpline

Around the clock support to ensure you are getting the best protection from every feature.

Panic Button Panic Button

Panic Button

24/7 emergency support for security events, cyber incidents, and data breaches.

Protecting the world’s leading brands

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Let us help secure your business today